Fire Sprinkler System Installation Requirements

Spokane Valley Fire Department Administration Building, Spokane Valley, WA  
Wednesday, June 05, 2024 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM   iCalendar UTC

There are hundreds of types of sprinklers in use today. Determining where to locate them can be a complex task. They need to be spaced properly and installed in specific locations to ensure coverage of the protected area and located far enough away from obstructions to ensure that the spray pattern can adequately develop and control or suppress a fire. The rules that govern this complex matrix of decisions are found in Chapter 8 (2016) Chapter 9 (2019-2022) of NFPA 13 on installation requirements. This fast paced and interactive course will guide the participant through series of decisions and requirements that lead to compliance with NFPA 13 and ensure the system will operate properly when needed.

Attendees must bring a copy of NFPA 13 to class or have access to the standard online. 

NFSA Contact - Suzanne Mayr -

Spokane Valley Fire Department Administration Building  

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